Tuesday, February 8, 2011

AT&T fails in our nation's capitol

When it comes to living in Washington, DC, there is severe draught in bars.

No, I'm not talking about local watering holes, there are plenty of those. I'm talking about cell phone reception.

I was beyond excited to receive an iPhone for my 21st birthday this past December. Getting this "life-changing" device, however, meant switching from my T-Mobile plan to AT&T. Owning an iPhone really has been a life-changer. In many ways it has made my life a lot easier. Props to Apple for an outstanding product.

But AT&T... we need to have a chat.

I expected to have reception issues when I went back to Columbia, MO for college. I did on T-Mobile, everyone does on every service... it's the middle of Missouri. You have to drive two hours to get to any sort of civilization. But Washington, DC??? It's the nation's capitol, and yet I'm experiencing the worst cell phone service of my life. Yesterday I attempted to conduct an phone interview in my apartment, located directly on capitol hill. I ended up having to reschedule it for today when I could be in my office on a landline because my iPhone kept cutting out. I just don't understand how the capitol of the greatest nation in the world, from where countless communications are essential to transmit each day, can have worse telephone service than Columbia, MO.

In the end, I would never trade my iPhone back for my old Samsung that did nothing but text. I rely on my iPhone for DC Metro schedules, emails, news and Twitter updates. It's my calendar, my alarm clock, my weather service, my camera and my map for the many many times I get lost.

But as a journalist, I need to make and receive calls. So step it up AT&T. If you were president, you'd be impeached.

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